À la fin de chaque journée, les équipes ont la possibilité de présenter leurs projets au public, aux autres participants et à un jury international lors des Tech Talks quotidiens qui sont diffusés en direct sur les réseaux sociaux. Les présentations seront également disponibles en ligne. C’est l’occasion pour les équipes de parler de leur technologie et de leurs innovations et pour tous les participants d’apprendre les uns des autres. Plusieurs prix Tech Talk seront décernés à la fin du Monaco Energy Boat Challenge organisé par le Y.C.M.
Innovation Prize : Sea Sakthi
Design Prize : Sea Sakthi
Eco-Conception Prize : Tecnico Solar Boat
At the conclusion of each day during the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge, teams are given a valuable opportunity to showcase their projects through daily Tech Talks. These presentations are directed not only to the public and other participants but also to an esteemed international jury. The Tech Talks are broadcast live across social networks, allowing a global audience to engage with the latest in marine technology and innovation. Additionally, these presentations are archived online, providing ongoing access for those who wish to revisit the discussions. This platform enables teams to elaborate on their technological advancements and innovations, fostering an environment of shared learning and exchange. As a highlight of the event, several Tech Talk Prizes are awarded at the end of the challenge, recognizing outstanding contributions and achievements in the field.
Innovation Prize : Sea Sakthi
Design Prize : Sea Sakthi
Eco-Conception Prize : Tecnico Solar Boat