Monaco Energy Boat Challenge

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Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2024
Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2024

Students at the Helm of the MEBC

The Monaco Energy Boat Challenge isn’t just a competition of advanced marine tech; it’s also a vibrant platform where students from around the world take the helm. Driven by passion, innovation, and a commitment to a sustainable future, these young minds are showcasing their groundbreaking projects and designs. As they race, they’re not only competing for the trophy but also representing a new generation determined to make waves in the maritime industry.

reasons to come to the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge


Practical Application

Move beyond theory and dive into hands-on maritime innovation, testing skills in real-world conditions.



Connect with global industry leaders, potential mentors, and peers, opening doors for future collaborations.


Skill Enhancement

Develop essential soft skills like teamwork and problem-solving in a dynamic, competitive environment.


Advocate for Sustainability

Play a direct role in advancing eco-friendly maritime solutions, showcasing commitment to a greener future.


Career Catalyst

Boost your résumé and stand out in job markets, signaling expertise and experience in maritime and sustainability sectors.